1) Adult Swim in a Box: absolutely fantastical!
2) Black Amethyst Body Wash, etc. : I <3 this stuff....as do men :)
3) Carol's Daughter "Recipe for Smooth and Shiny Hair": Smell the Black Vanilla first and ask questions later...if you know me, you know that I'm a little obsessed with my hair. Perfect gift, lol :)
4) Itty, bitty purse Bible: I'm tired of lugging my 10-pound Black Jesus study bible to church and Bible study. Help a sister out!
5) Any Christmas movie or set...especially this one, lol:
6) I absolutely LOVE this collection, but I don't own it: Langston Hughes's "Ask Your Mama: 12 Moods for Jazz" (1961)
7) Any kind of funky jewelry, especially nose rings or earrings: Time to dress my head up now; the hair is gone!
If all of this seems unreasonable, wine is also great. Or you can chip in for my next month of asthma medications. Happy holidays. And happy birthday to me :)