Monday, October 10, 2011


I was just sitting around today, idling after church at Vita Nova and brunch with some friends at Lone Wolf. I like to say. In my own house.

I often do this when I feel like I have no release. Then I get restless. Then I get desperate. And I leave, usually to return with something I don't need in tow.

I've idled around a lot these days, passively seeking some release, preferring to wallow in stress, work, and anxiety about what I can't control or what I can control but can't quite get my mind around just yet. It's is a painful kind of idling because I know I can make better use of my time.

Then I remembered this blog.

I stopped contributing my entries because of just a few reasons:

1) I didn't want nutty people in my FBWorld, "Twitterverse", or real life reading it as a digest

2) Some confusing/infuriating/painful things happened that I did not know how to punctuate here, and

3) I fell in love. Again.

Of course, more than this happened.

My grandmother--my friend, whom I adored and admired--passed away suddenly in May. I've had a lot of success academically and professionally (the stress/work part of my absence is half related to this). I found out two weeks ago that my beloved Miracle was diagnosed with cancer and who knows how long he will be with us, not even sugar-coating it. It has been very depressing, but ((jazz hands)) the show must go on as the burdens pile up.

This has been an interesting eight-month hiatus. I really think I should start blogging again, but I am not sure who will read after all this time.

If you are willing to read, I am willing to keep writing. Just for my sanity at this point.

It helps.

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